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Adjusting the hop up on an airsoft rifle changes the amount of backspin on the BBs that you shoot out of it. When you take bereft hop upwardly, your Bbs will drop too soon, resulting in a brusque range for your airsoft burglarize. On the other hand, if the hop up is besides high, your BBs will curve up drastically and you won't be able to shoot accurately. Aim to set your airsoft burglarize's hop upwardly somewhere in the centre to achieve the best range and accuracy.

  1. ane

    Shoot 10-20 BBs at a target fifty ft (15 m) away and watch their trajectory. Go to a safe, open area where you can shoot your airsoft rifle while you adjust the hop up. Pick a target and burn your Bbs at it and spotter whether they drop downwardly right away or bend erratically upwards.[1]

    • For example, you could exercise this at an airsoft field before yous play a match or in an unoccupied, rural field.
    • Firing at least 10 rounds will warm up your airsoft rifle and so you tin encounter the truthful trajectory of the BBs.
  2. 2

    Flip open the aligning wheel encompass on the side of your airsoft rifle. The adjustment bike cover is a rectangular cover that is usually on the right-hand side of your airsoft rifle directly above the BB magazine. Flip this embrace downwards and hold it open to access the aligning wheel.[2]

    • An adjustment cycle is one of the most mutual adjustment mechanisms on airsoft rifles. Many G-4 style airsoft rifles accept this machinery, for instance.


  3. 3

    Plough the adjustment bike clockwise if your Bulletin board system are dropping too soon. Turning the bike clockwise will increment the hop up and make your airsoft rifle shoot BBs further. Grab the adjustment wheel by one of the notches and turn it to the right 1/4, i/2, or 1 full turn, depending on how much hop y'all want to add.[three]

    • For example, if your Bulletin board system are curving down right abroad without travelling straight at all, y'all might effort turning the wheel 1 total plow.
    • If you plough the bicycle all the way to the right, you will fix the hop all the way up and your BBs will curve upwards and travel erratically. Brand small adjustments to the correct to increase the hop a little at a time and find the ideal hop setting.
    • There might exist arrows and labels that say "up" and "downwards" next to the wheel to aid you remember which way to turn the cycle.

    Tip: Some airsoft rifles might have a hop adjustment spiral instead of a wheel. If this is the instance, the airsoft rifle normally comes with a tool that you tin insert into the screw to turn it. In that location are also drum-style wheels that you rotate up and downwardly instead of left and correct. The principles for turning these to make adjustments are the aforementioned every bit a standard adjustment wheel.

  4. 4

    Rotate the adjustment wheel clockwise if your Bulletin board system are curving up. This will decrease the hop and make your Bbs travel more directly. Grab the aligning bicycle and turn it to the left one/4, ane/ii, or 1 consummate plough, depending on how much you want to decrease the hop.[4]

    • For example, if your BBs are travelling direct right later on you shoot them, only and then curving up before they reach your target, you might try turning the bicycle counterclockwise by nearly 1/4-1/2 a turn.
    • If you lot plough the bike all the manner to the left, there will be no hop on your airsoft burglarize and the Bulletin board system will just driblet out of the butt without travelling direct at all.
  5. 5

    Exam your airsoft rifle and make adjustments until the Bulletin board system go direct and far. Shoot 2-3 rounds out of your airsoft rifle afterward each adjustment you make. Proceed turning the wheel almost 1/iv plow at a time either clockwise to add hop or counterclockwise to remove hop until your Bulletin board system shoot direct and far.[5]

    • The platonic hop for your airsoft burglarize volition cause your BBs to get slightly up during their trajectory, but and so driblet downwardly again towards the end before they hit your target, resulting in a directly, accurate shot.
    • Continue in mind that current of air and BB weight can impact the trajectory of your Bulletin board system as well.


  1. ane

    Exam-burn 10-xx Bulletin board system at a target 50 ft (fifteen m) away and spotter their flying path. Cull a safe, open expanse to test-fire your airsoft rifle and brand adjustments to the hop upwardly. Aim at a target, shoot the BBs at information technology, and have note of whether they curve erratically up or bend downwards correct away.[vi]

    • For instance, an empty airsoft field or somewhere in the woods where there are no trails or people around could be a adept place to do this.
    • Make sure to fire at least 10 rounds, so your airsoft rifle has time to warm up and yous can see the actual flight path of your Bbs.

    Tip: Don't burn at a target any closer than this or you won't give the BBs enough distance to travel and won't be able to analyze their flight path and make authentic adjustments to the hop up.

  2. two

    Slide open up the aligning slider bar cover on the side of your airsoft rifle. The adjustment slider bar cover is usually on the right-hand side of your airsoft burglarize directly above the BB mag and looks like what cocks back to eject bullets on a real rifle. Slide this cover back to open it upwardly and admission the adjustment slider bar.[7]

    • Slider-type hop adjustment bars are common on AK-47 type airsoft rifles.
  3. 3

    Slide the bar towards the barrel of the rifle if your BBs are dropping too before long. Sliding the bar to the left will add hop upward and brand your Bbs shoot further and straighter. Grab the slider bar and move it towards the barrel of your airsoft burglarize about i/iv of the total length of the slot in the bar.[8]

    • If you slide the bar all the mode to the left, this sets the hop up to the maximum level.
    • There might be notches and numbers on the slider bar that yous can utilise to keep runway of how far you're adjusting it.
  4. iv

    Motion the bar towards the barrel if your BBs are curving up. This will lower the amount of hop up to brand your Bbs travel more direct and not bend up drastically. Catch the adjustment slider bar and push information technology to the correct towards the butt nearly 1/four of the length of the slot in the bar.[9]

    • If you slide the bar all the fashion to the right, this takes away all the hop upwardly from your airsoft rifle and your Bbs will accept no range when you shoot them.
  5. 5

    Shoot the airsoft rifle and adjust the bar until your BBs travel direct and far. Fire ii-3 rounds out of your airsoft burglarize after each small adjustment you brand to the slider bar. Continue to slide the bar most ane/4 of the length of the slot in the bar, or less, to the left to increase hop or to the correct to subtract hop.[10]

    • Ideally, your Bbs should travel straight right out of the barrel, then lift up slightly in the middle of their trajectory, and so finally driblet back down at the end to hit the target that yous're aiming direct at.
    • Remember that the weight of your BBs and the amount of wind will affect how your Bbs travel.


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  • Adjust the hop on your airsoft rifle any fourth dimension you change the brand or weight of BBs that you're using or when y'all change your shooting technique.[11]

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  • Always accommodate your airsoft burglarize's hop upwards in a safe, open area where you can shoot information technology at least 50 ft (15 m) at a target to test out your adjustments.[12]



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